PERIOD 1990.g.- 30.06.2009.g.

INVESTCO d.o.o. is the oldest company for securities business in the Republic of Croatia, founded in 1990. year. The company was registered for all securities operations in accordance with the Securities Market Act (N.N. 84/02 and 138/06). INVESTCO was a member of the Zagreb and Varaždin stock exchanges, and the Central Depository agency (now: central clearing depository company). The amount of transactions made so far (as of 30.06.2009) amounts to over € 3,000,000,000. The company was organized by:

- brokerage department (trade in securities with reproach and settlement),
- analytical department,
- investment banking department,
- accounting.

Business references speak in favor of the high standards that INVESTCO employees meet, and modern IT equipment and investment in infrastructure that these same standards are sought to maintain and improve.


In its history, INVESTCO has carried out several significant activities:
- The first bond sale and at the same time the first securities transaction on the Zagreb Stock Exchange after World War II (30. March 1992.)
- The first post-war sale of shares on the stock exchange (27. November 1992.)
- First public placement of government bonds (1992)
- First privatizations of Croatian companies through international tenders (1993/1994.)
- First issue of municipal (county) bonds in Croatia (1994)
- First international bond placement of Croatian Corporation (1996)
- First issue of city bonds in Croatia (1997)
- Advisor to AGROKOR Corporation in the first acquisition of the company in Serbia

PERIOD from 01.07.2009.g.

Based on strategy and business policy, INVESTCO Securities, Company for securities business, d.o.o. at its own request (voluntarily) stopped performing the business of buying and selling securities for clients, (which was performed until 30.06.2009. the company is registered in INVESTCO D.o.o. for business consulting (short name: INVESTCO d.o.o.).

By basic financial sizes (assets, capital and reserves, income and profit) INVESTCO was the leading brokerage house in the country (see:. Annual Report for 2008. year). The company intends to use the funds earned and the experience gained for further development of business activities.

INVESTCO is on 01.07.2009. it had 13 employees, five of them with a broker's exam and two with an investment advisor exam.

The company has annual contracts with an IT company, law firms, an auditor, a tax advisor, a public relations company, several external consultants, and a security company.

INVESTCO owns first-class business premises sufficient for long-term development needs, equipped with state-of-the-art office equipment, IT technology supported by its own and licensed software solutions.